Hey there Streak Freaks!  We are pleased to announce that we are donating our time Sunday Feb 26th for the “Benefit Fundraiser for Peter Moore & Family”.  This is our 1st Berkshire County show in 2012, so come on out to support a good cause and a variety of great local music!  Go here for more info: http://www.facebook.com/events/272198382845242/. $10 suggested donation adults/$5 suggested donation for kids – all ages!
Folks, this is your chance to help Peter Moore, his family, his friends, and his loved ones as Mr. Moore recovers from a near fatal hit-and-run incident. It will also be your chance to step forward and show the Moores and the rest of the world who and what The REAL Pittsfield, Massachusetts truly is. The REAL Pittsfield is composed of neighbors and neighborhoods — good, hard-working, law-abiding, and decent folks who have reached their tipping point and will no longer keep quiet. They want to reach out in kindness and compassion to a man so terribly wronged. Please spread the word about the time and date, and let’s do all we can to support Peter Moore, his lovely wife, his family, his parents Susan and Tom, his cousins, and all of the family across the country who are following this case. Let’s show them The REAL Pittsfield.