Just finished being interviewed by Joe at Razor Blade Dance Floor. It was great fun! Joe was extremely nice and had some great questions. He will be posting everything this Sunday the 14th, and you can get more info by visiting: www.razorbladedancefloor.com.  Also just posted some photos to the Flickr Photostream, which were taken by Mrs Streak during the interview (isn’t our Xmas tree lovely?). Once everything is available I’ll be making another post. So keep watch 🙂
AND… I finished up a new song this week. Which I have titled “BSSMF” (BackStabbing Sick MotherFucker). Things were a little chilly in the basement, so I brought the speakers, keyboard and recording gear up to the living room, where it’s nice and warm 🙂 I have a few more songs I’ll be working on as well so hope you are hungry for more!
I’ll keep you updated, thanks for all the support!!