We have been getting all sorts of emails, messages, & comments ever since we announced that we will be doing our 1st tour in June. Which is truely awesome!! And I know a lot of you are interested in further details, so… here is a little deeper look at where we are now.
As I said this is our 1st tour, which will bring us beyond our local fan base and even beyond the surrounding states where we have had the pleasure to create noise.  We were able to plan 8-days for this excursion, so I have been contacting huge numbers of venues east of the Mississippi River and north of SC. And when I say huge, I mean that last I counted that # was well over 140!  It has been a slow process because I need to convince them on why they should book Streak, a “fairly unknown” band, from MA.  Because as sad as it might seem, it does all come down to money. This is a business and some venues are a little more willing and/or able to book an out of state band such as ourselves. The economy and current state of the music industry is having a major impact. But enough of all that crap, let’s move on 🙂Â
June 6th we are headed out to Syracuse NY to the Half Penny Pub, then over to Sadie Renne’s in North Canton OH. From there we have a 3 pending confirmations, before arriving in Raleigh NC on June 11th for a show at the Volume 11 Tavern. Then one more pending date before arriving back home in MA for our “welcome home” show. It’s probably going to be some of the fastest, craziest 8-days… and we can’t wait!
I knew this was going to be quite the undertaking to set this all up. Not just cost wise (van, food, gas, etc, ect…), but also time wise. Relentless calling and emails have basically been a non stop learning experience. We have made some great contacts, both with venues and with bands. When I sit back and think about it all, at this moment, I can say that this has been both harder and not as hard as I thought it would be (if that makes sense). I also wonder… why did we wait so long? But I think it was all a matter of timing and this just happens to be the time for us. With the release of “Break Away” and some great promotion we felt that if not now, then when? So the decision was made and here we are.
Not only do we have the undying support of the “3 F’s” (Family, Friends & Fans), but the Razor Blade Dance Floor has also graciously agreed to help promote the tour. (If you aren’t familiar with RBDF, please head over to www.razorbladedancefloor.com!) Both ChromeSkinJesus of RBDF and I are very excited about this. I also have a few other pending “endorsements”, and details will be announced as soon as I am able.
I hope that we get to see as many of you as possible. But if we don’t make it close to you this time, this is only the beginning. As soon as there are more details I will be sure to pass them along immediately.
Thank you for all of the support! 😀