Hey there Streak Freaks!
With all of the craziness planning for the tour I have not done the best job of keeping up with these updates. But hopefully you all have been checking out the www.streakband.net to know the latest 😉
First off, tomorrow night’s gig at The Depot in Dalton, MA is going to be our last local gig before our TV DINNER tour kicks off on June 6th. It’s 18+ and is going to be a “relaxed, hangout with friends, make some noise” type of show. So we hope to see you all there!Â
Merch Update: Mrs. Streak models the new Shit.Shirt.Shoot Babydoll shirts! Go check them out here http://tinyurl.com/cnwtay and get yours here: www.streakband.net/store. Or at any show of course!
Tour Updates: There is so much going on with this, I’m not sure where to start! All of the confirmed dates and info can be found at www.streakband.net/invasion. We have been receiving HUGE amounts of support! Our friend Duffy Laudick (www.myspace.com/duffyduckproductions) did up some great radio commercials for us. And www.RazorBladeDanceFloor.com has been running these commercials on their weekly podcasts and promoting the tour like nobody’s business! We also have the support of Silverfox Drumsticks and of course Coffin Throat Records. And… the newest to join… Gimmesound.com! We are just in the beginnings of setting up our profile there, but you can see it at www.gimmesound.com/streak. In the next week or so they will be hosting some banners for the tour on their site. What makes this site unique from other sites is that advertising revenue is set aside for each FREE download (yes… FREE), and then that revenue is donated to the charity of your choice. Ours is the ASPCA :). Of course the bands get a little bit of that revenue as well, so help support the charities AND Streak! We will be using this site for some free music giveaways. New demos, maybe songs that didn’t make it onto the album, who knows what you may find there. And while we are on the road we will be uploading photos, blogs, twitter updates and maybe even a few videos. All of that can be found at www.streakband.net.Â
We also have an interview set up at the end of the month with Boston Garage Bands (www.bostongaragebands.com), and it will be released as a podcast just before the tour kicks off.Â
Last but not least don’t forget that we don’t bite, not hard anyway. Come on over to the Streak Forum and chat it up with us! Streak stuffs, movie stuffs, beer stuffs, stuff stuffs, all at: www.streakband.net/forum.
Man oh man, I think that’s enough for now. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting, we can wait to get out on the road and meet some of you!!