YUP! Streak is honored to be one of the guest hosts hijacking episodes while ChromeSkinJesus is out banging his head and screaming like a banshee at a few kick ass concerts. Our episode will be #111, which is to be aired on or about Sept 13th. Duffman has #109 & Duruman with PlutoniumProduct has #110. We are going to stay true to the RBDF theme and be playing some great, and hopefully new to you, industrial rock/metal and the like. But as things go, I’m sure Paul and I will be chatting it up about all sorts of stuff. We are not going to make this episode a total “love Streak fest” and this is not going to be one long Streak promo, that would be lame. But I want to keep the community feeling going that CSJ and all of the RBDF podcast subscribers have done so well to create, so I wanted to toss this out there and hopefully get you involved… if there are any questions that you would like to ask Paul or myself, let us know and we’ll work on getting those answered during the show. It can be anything really, Streak or non-Streak related. Such as: how we set up the tour, what equipment is used to create the music or what we use to do the live shows, views on life, our favorite beer, whatever! Be as creative as you would like. I can’t promise we’ll answer anything or everything… but it doesn’t hurt to try 🙂. Read on to find out how to submit your questions…
Anyway, you can leave your questions at the Streak Forum (www.streakband.net/forum), email them (info@streakband.net), twitter them (@streakmusic), myspace them (www.myspace.com/streak) or even carrier pigeon them. Whatever works! To be honest, and because of our busy schedules at the moment, I am not entirely positive when we will be recording this episode. It will most likely be completed before the end of August, so don’t wait. If you have any questions send them on over. And if not, that’s cool, we are going to have fun and I hope you will too!
The Razor Blade Dance Floor is a semi-regular podcast devoted to the advancement and promotion of industrial rock, industrial metal and coldwave artists. If you haven’t already, you can find out more and subscribe to the Razor Blade Dance Floor podcast at www.razorbladedancefloor.com, or you can search on iTunes. It’s FREE and will blow your mind!