Today we launched the new website. This new design will be easier for us to post to while out and about, and will hopefully keep you all updated a little better. I want the site to be easy for you, the fans, to find out what is happening and I think this new design is a step in the right direction. Plus I can never let anything sit for very long. Still a bit of tweaking to be done but I hope you will like it! We also have new shows scheduled and each are listed in the TOUR section on the website. The next one will be on Friday July 24th at the WWII Club in Northampton, MA. It’s ALL AGES and tix are $8 in adv or $10 at the door.  Make sure to get your tix from us [email], or tell them at the door you are there to see STREAK!
Thank you for reading & hope to see you all soon!